bioBUBBLE works with numerous organizations and research institutions to advance and enhance our technology. Below you will find results of some of the independent testing performed on our systems, as well as videos and news articles about the implementation of our technology at various locations around the world.
Testing & Reports
bioBUBBLE continually works with organizations and research institutions to advance and enhance our technology. Click below to review reports.
Academic Posters & Presentations
News Articles Featuring bioBUBBLE
- Husbandry Efforts for Housing and Maintaining Immunodeficient Transgenic Rabbits
- Garvan Institute: Environmentally Sustainable Australian BioResources Centre
- bioBUBBLE Technology: Biotech Start Ups
- McMaster University: World Class Gnotobiotic Facility
- PEI Atlantic Veterinary College: Aquatic Biocontainment
- The Mouse House of Moss Vale
bioBUBBLE Product Literature
- Cleanroom, Isolation & Barrier Enclosures
- Containment Enclosures
- Benchtop Biocontainment Enclosures
- CYTO Benchtop Biocontainment Enclosures
- Anterooms/ Airlocks
- Air Showers
- Power Unit with Diffusion Head
- Power Unit
- Power Unit (Ceiling Mounted)
- Bedding Disposal Unit
- Rack Covers
- HEPA Vacuum
- Enclosures for Robots
- Ventilated enclosure for product and personnel protection
bioBUBBLE Product Catalogs
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Videos Featuring bioBUBBLE Equipment
Australian BioResources: Building a Green Vivarium